Oct 25, 2006

Computer Virus

You find an add that is titled Computer Doctor.
You call up the Computer Doctor,
who specializes in repairing hardrives
and tell him you downloaded a virus and need help.

Before he gets there, you set up a really old computer
but dont even plug it in.

For added effect, you puke all over the keyboard.

When he comes to your place,
show him the computer and say,
"this lil guy has not been feeling well for quite

When he asks if this is a joke,
ask him, "do you think this is a joke?" and slam a
potatoe sack over his head.
Then, tie a rope around it so his arms are locked down,
then roll him down a flight of stairs.

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At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! my friend is a computer tech! someones should do this to him! lol

At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

after meeting you
i am shocked!
1st of all
you are much cuter
but also much shorter then i imagined


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