Nov 2, 2006

Ayyy! Ayyy! Why do man who love chinese food bring anger? Ayy

There is a small cute chinese restaurant right around the corner from you. The owners are very nice, however like most immigrants their english is broken and hard to understand. You walk up there wearing some type of chinese cartoon mask and dressed in a chinese robe. You wave at the chinese lady who owns it, and then throw a rock, which you had written the words "I LOVE ALMOND BONELESS CHICKEN" through the window. Run and ditch the costume, come back just to hear how they would explain the terror to the police. Should be pretty funny.


At 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one is possibly the worst vod ever written...not funny, too short

At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO its not bad! you got to imagine the conversation with the police

Lady: "Mista Officer, officer, man dress in china parade smash window

Police man: Im sorry mam, did you say man dressed in china parade?

Lady: He wear china mask! He wear robe. He wave and then glass everywhere!

Police man: Dispatch, man dressed as a chinese parade man wearing a robe - be on look out

Lady: why if he love almond chicken, do he no respect and break window? WHY police man? why?


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